Drop-off & Pick-up


Policy for School Entry  (Including Drop-off/Pick-up)

Drop off/ Pick up Schedules – The school will open at 8:30AM for students to enter. At 8:30, students should proceed to the gym to their class line. Students arriving before 8:30AM will be sent for Before-School Care, incurring charged fees. Students can be dropped off at the office entrance, or in the back at the gym doors. After 8:45AM, once the gym doors are closed, all students must be dropped off at the front office entrance.

The school day begins at 8:55AM. After 8:55AM, any students arriving will be marked as late. Any students arriving after 8:55AM must proceed to the office for a late slip.

For dismissal time – for parents picking up children from the back  parking lot or the front– we ask that parents please remain in your cars, alerting the staff member/authorized volunteer on duty to the children being picked up, and we will bring your children out to you in the back lot.

NO Parents are not permitted to enter the school without a scheduled appointment.

If arrangements have been made with someone other than a parent picking up the child, please notify the office ahead of time.

In accordance with the Ontario Safe Schools Act, access to the school will be strictly limited and enforced.  Strict screening protocols will be followed.

(1) At all times, all visitors must report to the office, from the front doors. After 8:50AM, visitors must ring for electronic entry.
(2) From the 1st day of school, the only rear entry to the school, for students, will be from the gym doors. Once the gym doors are closed at 8:45AM, entry to the school will only be from the front of the school.
(3) At the end of the day at 3:45PM, the doors will be locked at the back parking lot.

No parent/visitor entry will be permitted from the back doors. Entry to the school will only be from the front of the school.
(4) No parents/visitors are permitted to enter the school hallways beyond the front office area without permission of the office, which also requires signing in/out and wearing a school badge to identify individuals as visitors to the school.

(5) No visitors to the school will be permitted to enter the school without signing in at the front office and wearing a school badge at all times while in the building.
(6) Any parents (including for Pre-K) picking up children during the school day must report to the office and wait in the front lobby for their child(ren). Parents must sign out their child(ren) at the office. Parents are not permitted beyond the front lobby to enter the classroom areas for pick-up (including for Pre-K). In the case of Pre-K/JK children, a staff member will bring your child(ren) to you in the front lobby area. 

With these policy regulations, the cooperation of all parents and visitors is greatly appreciated, in order to ensure greater safety and security for all our children.